Saturday, 17 November 2012

The beauty's in the personality!

I recently completed an assignment in which I had to take the MBTI (or in my case a free alternative) and I was amazed with the accuracy of my results. So it turns out I am an INTJ aka “The Scientist/Investigator/Mastermind” Here’s an excerpt  from

The INTJ's interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgements and put everything that they encounter into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, they are quick to express judgements  Often they have very evolved intuitions, and are convinced that they are right about things. Unless they complement their intuitive understanding with a well-developed ability to express their insights, they may find themselves frequently misunderstood.

But what really astounded me was when a friend also introduced me to the four temperaments- Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy & Phlegmatic ( I have been studying psychology (in some form) for about 7 years now how did I not know about this before?) and I have to say I was truly struck by how accurately it described me. Here was I thinking I was very unique and there was no one like me and then I find out there’s a 1 in 4 chance everyone is like me!! I am not feeling all that special right now but still there is no denying the intuitive appeal of personality theories.  Whilst I am not arguing that they are without flaws- at this moment I am not concerned with an academic debate about validity or empirical evidence or the fact that they usually just merely descriptive, I am just marvelling in their intuitive appeal and their usefulness in understanding people.

To be honest, I have always been interested in personality. My last two dissertations have all had to do with personality/traits. Since I was a child I have always taken delight in people watching, observing people as they went about their everyday business (it was either this or you would find me under the table in a dark room, hiding from everyone reading- I guess it’s no surprise I wear glasses now ._. ).

The 4 temperament are described below have a read, which are you? Does it describe you accurately or not at all? ( by the way, in case you were wondering I am Melancholy) remember though, no one is completely one type, we are a blend of 2 or 3.

The following is copied fron this website for educational purposes only.

A. Sanguine
1. Influencing of others, SP - Artisan - The Sanguine is receptive by nature and outgoing. He is usually called a 'super-extrovert'. This temperament is usually thought of as a "natural salesman" but they also tend to enter professions that are outgoing such as acting.
He "leads into a room with his mouth" and is never at a loss for words. His outgoing nature makes him the envy of more timid temperament types. He is most comfortable around people and does not like being alone. He is often known as a "toucher"; reaching out and touching the arm or shoulder of the person he is talking with. This can make more introverted temperaments nervous and uncomfortable.
His energy can make him seem more confident than he actually is and his cheery disposition often cause others to excuse his weaknesses by saying, "That's just how he is". The sanguine is mostly a happy person whom others are glad to have around.
The weakness of the sanguine include a lack of discipline which can be expressed in many ways - including a generally "messy" lifestyle or overeating. The sanguine is the most emotional of the temperaments and can burst into tears or a rage without warning. These "bursts" are usually over as fast as they occur but this lack of emotional consistency can affect other areas of his life. He may be "morally flexible" and may take advantage of others via his good nature.
A sanguine's tremendous personal talents can be made or broken by his lack of self-discipline.

B. Choleric
1. Decisive, NT - Rational - The choleric is the most forceful and active of the four types. He is strong-willed and independent and opinionated. The choleric thrives on activity. He is the most practical and makes sound, quick decisions. He is not afraid of obstacles and tends to drive right through or over problems. He is probably the strongest natural leader of the four types. He has the most problem with anger and does not display compassion easily. He is quick to recognize opportunities and quick to capitalize on them - though details irritate him and, unless he learns to delegate, he will often gloss over details. His strong will and determination may drive him to succeed where more gifted people give up.
The choleric is a developer and may be seen in construction supervision or coaching or law enforcement. Most entrepreneurs are choleric. Because of their impatience they often end up doing everything themselves. A choleric is extremely goal/task oriented in leading others. His biggest weakness as a leader is a tendency to run right over people if he feels they are in his way. He assumes that approval and encouragement will lead others to slack off and he probably finds criticism and faultfinding more useful for his purposes. Through his natural determination he may succeed where others may give up.
A choleric's weaknesses include anger and hostility. A choleric is the most likely to have an active temper; he is a door slammer and horn blower and he can carry a grudge for a long time. This includes a cutting and sarcastic tongue and the choleric will rarely hesitate to tell someone off. The choleric is the least likely to show affection or any public show of emotion. His emotions are the lease developed of all the temperaments. Additionally a choleric can be inconsiderate, opinionated and crafty in getting their own way.

C. Melancholy
1. Conscientious, SJ - Guardian - The melancholy is an introverted temperament type. His natural style is analytical and perfectionist. He is the most moody of types ranging from highly "up" to gloomy and depressed. During his low periods he can be very antagonistic and does not make friends easily. He is the most dependable of the temperaments due to his perfectionist tendencies. His analytical ability allows him to accurately diagnose obstacles and problems, which often keep him from making changes - he prefers the status quo and may seem overly pessimistic.
He may choose a difficult life vocation involving personal sacrifice. Many melancholies become doctors or scientists or artists. Their interpersonal style can be critical and negative. He tends to be more indecisive than other types. They have difficulty giving praise and approval because they cannot bring themselves to say something that is not 100% true. They also are usually dissatisfied with themselves being highly self-critical.
Other weaknesses include being "thin skinned" or touchy and easily offended. He often feels persecuted and may seek revenge for real or imagined insults. He tends to be "all or nothing" in his evaluation of things; everything must be black or white and no shades of gray. He is least likely to consider mitigating circumstances when evaluating a person or situation. No temperament is more likely to be legalistic and rigid. He can be intolerant and impatient with those who do not see things his way.

D. Phlegmatic
1. Steady, NF - Idealist - the phlegmatic is best characterized by the words "easy going". He is the calm and steady person who is not easily disturbed. He is the easiest temperament type to get along with. Life for him is happy, unexcited and calm. Underneath the calm exterior, the phlegmatic is the most timid temperament type. He often uses humour to make his points. The phlegmatic is more an observer and does not involve himself in the activities of others.

Phlegmatics make excellent teachers, counsellors and administrators. They are very dependable and organized and, while they never volunteer, they make good group leaders.
The weakness of a phlegmatic include lack of motivation or even laziness; they appear to lack drive and ambition. A phlegmatic needs to realize that he is not internally motivated and take up activities that force him into action. The phlegmatic is self-protective and may be selfish. He is often very stubborn, though it is hidden beneath his mild-mannered style. He is also the most fearful of temperaments.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

I am not dead ..yet!

It’s been a little while since I had a post on here, my apologies!In the last couple of months whilst I have been MIA here I’ve moved to a new city(where I know no one, again! This is becoming a habit!!), started my masters (finally!), submitted 2 essays and still stressing out about 3 more and I even managed to get myself a pt Christmas job yaay!! I have to say I am enjoying my masters, it would help if I knew people here but then again I have never been much of a people person so I guess I would survive.

This is just a quick post to let you all know am still alive and kicking, look out for some new posts in the near future yaay!!. 

Here's a pic of my new campus, any clever clogs out there who can guess where this is?

Friday, 31 August 2012

P's and Q's #4

Life is hard and unpredictable, as much as we like to think we are in control we are really just adapting to God's plan. Some things we want we don't get and something we don't want we get and we wonder how we ever did without it.

So here's a little antidote to make life easier (hopefully)..

(although let me be the first to admit it's easier said than done)

Sunday, 5 August 2012

P's and Q's #3

This is not something new, we all know we should count our blessings but truthfully, most times we find ourselves adding up our problems instead. So it never hurts to have a gentle reminder...

The moon

A very simple but beautiful picture of the moon. I love the way the colour fades from a sort of pinky colour to light blue and then a slightly darker blue. There are no filters in this photo and it is not edited in any way. Nature at it's very best.


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Pleasure... Flow... and Meaning..!

For a while now I have been meaning to write a post about Positive Psychology 101. And even though I know what positive psychology is essentially, I was stumped when I had to define it. Then the other day I came across a tweet which lead to an article about positive psychology and the Olympics and the definition the writer used was so elegant I just had to quote her.

The first two paragraphs of her article had me nodding my head like one of those nodding bulldog car toys. Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about positivity, positive thinking and just being happy/positive etc. It is really easy to get confused and assume they are all mean the same thing so I was very glad when right away the writer, Louisa Jewell distinguished between positive thinking i.e. “the secret” and other similar notions and positive psychology. And as I said earlier it is the most elegant definition I have heard till date.

So “positive psychology is the scientific study of psychological well-being" as opposed to the traditional psychological model of mental illness. Additionally, it is important to “note the emphasis on ‘scientific’ which means it is based in science and empirical research" and it is therefore separate from other fluffy feel good notions. It is also not the same thing as positive thinking, or being positive and smiley all the time.

That said, I have included a TED Talks video by Martin Seligman, largely considered the father of positive psychology to further expatiate on the topic.

I hope this clarifies things, in any case there would most likely be a follow up post to this.

Monday, 23 July 2012

P's and Q's #2

Again, another one of my favourites from this year. I particularly like this quote because it relates so dearly to me. You see, I love to sleep and therefore spend most of my free time sleeping! This quote is plastered on my laptop screen to remind me I need to stay awake to make my dreams come true.

P's and Q's #1

This is one of my favourite quotes I have come across this year. It's so simple yet so profound and really makes you think.. Certainly worthy to have as my first proverb/quote on here. 


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman??

No it's not superman, no it's not a bird,  it's just a plane.

Happy viewing..!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Recap on my photoshop drama

Just a quick recap on my "photoshop drama", following on from this my first two posts on this blog after back to back "photoshopping" I took a long two week break to calm my nerves and return to sanity. It was one of the best things I ever did. I came back more positive and with more realisltic expectations for my blog.

Firstly, I realised that I really couldn't possibly put all the things I wanted on any one blog- it would be too much and would completely distract the reader from the content with is basically the most impotant bit. Secondly, to be honest my photoshop/css/html skills are really not that great (right now, but watch this space) anyway to carry out all my mind's wish. So I decided to call a truce with myself and to create a functioning blog that I could work with and actually start "blogging" and if in a couple of months I felt like a change then I could always have a blog make over. Hopefully by then my photoshop/css/html skills will a lot more than they are now and it would be less of a headache to redo things.

So far so good, I made my header and background (curtsey of Summer Driggs's kits) and managed to put them in the right places-whew! I am still tinkering around with little things but am pacing myself and focusing on what really matter for now- the content. 

This blog is just in it's infancy, and I am not really sure what it's going to look like at the end but I like the direction its flowing right now and for a novice that just came into this less than a month ago, i've done a pretty good job- I think. I like what I see (yep! everything you see on here now has been created by me, not bad for a newbie right?)  and am proud to call this my blog -yaay!.

and here's to better things in the future...

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

It's my birthday today!!

It's my birthday today!! Yaaaayyy me!! So today I am officially an adult great! and unfortunately I would have to start acting like one too, boo! Just joking but now i am kinda on "the wrong side of 20..well almost.

Monday, 9 July 2012

The reason for it all

I should have got round to this sooner, but better late than never although never late is better. The sole reason I started this blog was to chart my progress to chartership. I am an Occupational Psychologist in training (just about to start my msc) and as the title suggests, I intend to become chartered. Nonetheless, this blog is not intended to be topical and be about just occupational psychology, although there will be a large chunk of occupational psychology related content on here particularly relating to chartership - my no 1 pursuit right now but I have other pursuits and as it’s a (semi) personal blog they will show up in one form or another. I make no apologies for that.

Before I started this blog I looked around for blogs on occupational psychology and didn't really find much, particularly on the chartership process. It’s almost as if the process is shrouded in secrecy and only those actually involved in the process are in the know. As a research junkie (thanks to google!), I love to plan and research things I am interested in. So once I decided I wanted to be an occupational psychologist I wanted to know the process to become chartered and what exactly happened during the supervision period and how that logbook thingy went about.

This was exactly the bit that I couldn’t find, apart from the information available on the BPS website there was nothing else really. No personal accounts from people actually going through the supervision/logbook process to provide an insight into what it was really really like so I decided well? Why not start my own blog since I am somewhat on the route to chartership myself and that ladies and gentlemen, is the reason for this blog - to document exactly what goes on in the chartership process from my own experience.

Now, to manage your expectation, this blog is not designed to be your typical run of the mill blog that discusses relevant issues/news in occupational psychology and gives my take on things-no! There are plenty of that already. If you are looking for a dinner table conversation starter this blog is probably not it. This blog is more of a private diary, journal if you will about my own personal journey to chartership; the challenges/triumphs I may face, sharing my passions and trying to reach out to like minded "trainees" going through the same thing. Already there is a lot of generic information about occupational psychology, how to get into the field, the chartership process etc so I don’t feel it necessary to cover that again, if needed I could signpost you to the relevant information but this blog will not be about that. You can find My Occupation Psychology Factsheet here.

I hope this clarifies things and provides anyone interested with enough information to stick around and enjoy the journey with me.

See you on the other side

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

What I saw when I opened my front door today

Just a quick post to share, as the title says the view from the front of my house earlier today (well yesterday but I haven't slept so it doesn't really count does it?)


ps. edited 'slightly' by instagram

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A painful lesson to learn

After a high comes a low. Being a beginner and all in Photoshop I obviously did not realise that once the created image is "flatten" and all the layers are merged into one, there is no going back in terms of re-editing the image. what a painful lesson to learn and a very painful way to learn it. smdh

There I was going my merry way, creating different images and flattening them before I saved because quite frankly - I thought that was what I was supposed to do! I knew I would probably have to re-edit  these images again but I didn't know that was no longer possible after I flattened them. Only for me to come back to Photoshop, reopen the images and realise I couldnt seperate them back into  layers. Naturally, I thought it was something I hadn't done-some magical undo button I had yet to discover. I searched and searched and even my trusty google couldn't find any solutions. 

I finally figured out the error of my ways and how truly evil the flatten button was-it should have come with a warning (use with caution please!). All my images I would have to create from scratch! as brilliant as they are they aren't quite right, some adjustments are needed along with some patience to actually sit there and redo everything all over again. Maybe I'ld just do something different because I never really was the patient type anyway.

Till next time -Sayonara

Friday, 15 June 2012

I did it!! yaay me!!

YAAAY!! I am soo happy right now its unbelieveable, its amazing what a high one can get from using Photoshop, well... when it all comes together that is! a couple of days ago I decided I wanted to start a blog, yet again! you see I have "started"  a couple of blogs before but unfortunately I never got past the first post- "Hello World" (yep I think all my previous "attempts" were all on Wordpress tbh I think Blogger is sooo much better/easier, why didnt I come here sooner??). I promise though that this time I really would be more dedicated and keep at it.

Back to the story and the reason for my amazing high, so I created my latest blog and being the perfectionist that I am I was surprisingly reluctant to post any messages until I had designed/customised it exactly how I saw it in my mind's eye. Ofcourse this created a problem as I don't know ANYTHING about bogging much less html, css and all those technical stuff.

So days passed and I tried to learn absolutely every thing I could from scratch (i really do love Google/the internet!!), downloading Photoshop, figuring out how to use it (oh the torture of clicking things and watching as ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED! or the joy of manically hitting the "undo" button..), learning how to make a header and background..I know it sounds basic right?? but for the first two days I was still trying to figure out how to get to the dashboard for my own blog.

Am glad to say I found it-yay!, and I also figured how to use the template designer thingy-double yaay! but before I get sidetracked again, I actually really just wanted to share my amazing happiness and the high I got from designing my first ever background and header. Yep the very background and header you see right now was created by yours truly! I know its nothing fancy but it was still done by me and me alone...YAAAAAAAAY (sorry for yet another yaay but I really am that excited *doing the happy dance*). In truth, I had lots and I do mean lots of "help" from other blogs and you tube videos (Teresabelle designs and a vimeo video by Kayla Lamoreaux in particular and the kit I used was curtsey of the lovely Summer Driggs, her designs really are lovely!) and generally ...thank God for google and the internet.

I know I am not totally done designing, I still have the sidebar, toolbar and all manner of things to do before I am truly truly happy and satisfied with the appearance of my blog but I am encouraged that it can be done and after the month I've had this is my light at the end of the tunnel (besides what's design without content?).

so stay tuned while I get elbow deep in Photoshop and expect lots and lots of changes! This stuff is actually quite addictive.

Previous blogger header