Monday, 9 July 2012

The reason for it all

I should have got round to this sooner, but better late than never although never late is better. The sole reason I started this blog was to chart my progress to chartership. I am an Occupational Psychologist in training (just about to start my msc) and as the title suggests, I intend to become chartered. Nonetheless, this blog is not intended to be topical and be about just occupational psychology, although there will be a large chunk of occupational psychology related content on here particularly relating to chartership - my no 1 pursuit right now but I have other pursuits and as it’s a (semi) personal blog they will show up in one form or another. I make no apologies for that.

Before I started this blog I looked around for blogs on occupational psychology and didn't really find much, particularly on the chartership process. It’s almost as if the process is shrouded in secrecy and only those actually involved in the process are in the know. As a research junkie (thanks to google!), I love to plan and research things I am interested in. So once I decided I wanted to be an occupational psychologist I wanted to know the process to become chartered and what exactly happened during the supervision period and how that logbook thingy went about.

This was exactly the bit that I couldn’t find, apart from the information available on the BPS website there was nothing else really. No personal accounts from people actually going through the supervision/logbook process to provide an insight into what it was really really like so I decided well? Why not start my own blog since I am somewhat on the route to chartership myself and that ladies and gentlemen, is the reason for this blog - to document exactly what goes on in the chartership process from my own experience.

Now, to manage your expectation, this blog is not designed to be your typical run of the mill blog that discusses relevant issues/news in occupational psychology and gives my take on things-no! There are plenty of that already. If you are looking for a dinner table conversation starter this blog is probably not it. This blog is more of a private diary, journal if you will about my own personal journey to chartership; the challenges/triumphs I may face, sharing my passions and trying to reach out to like minded "trainees" going through the same thing. Already there is a lot of generic information about occupational psychology, how to get into the field, the chartership process etc so I don’t feel it necessary to cover that again, if needed I could signpost you to the relevant information but this blog will not be about that. You can find My Occupation Psychology Factsheet here.

I hope this clarifies things and provides anyone interested with enough information to stick around and enjoy the journey with me.

See you on the other side

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