Friday, 15 June 2012

I did it!! yaay me!!

YAAAY!! I am soo happy right now its unbelieveable, its amazing what a high one can get from using Photoshop, well... when it all comes together that is! a couple of days ago I decided I wanted to start a blog, yet again! you see I have "started"  a couple of blogs before but unfortunately I never got past the first post- "Hello World" (yep I think all my previous "attempts" were all on Wordpress tbh I think Blogger is sooo much better/easier, why didnt I come here sooner??). I promise though that this time I really would be more dedicated and keep at it.

Back to the story and the reason for my amazing high, so I created my latest blog and being the perfectionist that I am I was surprisingly reluctant to post any messages until I had designed/customised it exactly how I saw it in my mind's eye. Ofcourse this created a problem as I don't know ANYTHING about bogging much less html, css and all those technical stuff.

So days passed and I tried to learn absolutely every thing I could from scratch (i really do love Google/the internet!!), downloading Photoshop, figuring out how to use it (oh the torture of clicking things and watching as ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED! or the joy of manically hitting the "undo" button..), learning how to make a header and background..I know it sounds basic right?? but for the first two days I was still trying to figure out how to get to the dashboard for my own blog.

Am glad to say I found it-yay!, and I also figured how to use the template designer thingy-double yaay! but before I get sidetracked again, I actually really just wanted to share my amazing happiness and the high I got from designing my first ever background and header. Yep the very background and header you see right now was created by yours truly! I know its nothing fancy but it was still done by me and me alone...YAAAAAAAAY (sorry for yet another yaay but I really am that excited *doing the happy dance*). In truth, I had lots and I do mean lots of "help" from other blogs and you tube videos (Teresabelle designs and a vimeo video by Kayla Lamoreaux in particular and the kit I used was curtsey of the lovely Summer Driggs, her designs really are lovely!) and generally ...thank God for google and the internet.

I know I am not totally done designing, I still have the sidebar, toolbar and all manner of things to do before I am truly truly happy and satisfied with the appearance of my blog but I am encouraged that it can be done and after the month I've had this is my light at the end of the tunnel (besides what's design without content?).

so stay tuned while I get elbow deep in Photoshop and expect lots and lots of changes! This stuff is actually quite addictive.

Previous blogger header

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